
Unused Zeena Concept

In the crossover story “Worlds Unite,” the Deadly Six of “Sonic: Lost World” became the minions of Sigma from the Mega Man X franchise. Sigma gifted the Deadly Six with power-enhancing armor, which allowed him to take control of otherwise immune organic beings. Originally, the armors were meant to be themed to each of the Deadly Six, but SEGA asked they be made into smaller, uniform designs.

Final, unused designs are by Dan Schoeing:
Instagram: instagram.com/dannyschoening/

Twitter: @Dapperpomade


Zeena, as a character, frustrates me no end. I think she has the most fun design out of the Deadly Six, but she doesn’t have much in terms of themes or gimmicks. She hides in snowmen in her first encounter, swings some orbs around in the second, and jumps on a teeter-toter in the third. What’s her power? Zazz at least throws caltrops in his final fight. Zomom spins, Zik throws hadoukens, Zor has shadow-bats – what does Zeena do that’s cool? Nothing.

Anyway, given her snowy setting, I went for a snowman theme for her armor. The helmet uses her horn as the “carrot” for the snowman’s “nose.”

All the credit in the world to :icondanschoening: for making such a silly design look cool.